Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A few quick words

A few quick words about my situation. Internet takes a bit of doing - it's either in the coffee shop for wireless and pay for a beer as I maneuver through the wireless Internet connection or the business center. And the default format is in Chinese, so maneuver is definitely the word. This could be interesting - let me know if anyone knows how to fix it, as I've exhausted my usual remedies. Or the business center, where I can't drink a beer and type, and I still have to pay to use their computer. Meanwhile, I'm able to write these entries in my room offline and drink beer and cut and paste a bit later. I know what system I picked.

I have no idea if my pictures are posting. Please tell me if anything shows up or not.
Second, I'm limited by battery power in the coffee shop. So it's about an hour of useful time on Frankenstein (my laptop) before the battery is done. My apologies if I don't send you love letters daily, but time is limited.

Third, I hesitate to leave the computer plugged into the wall when I can't be here to see it blow up and somehow avert the rumored power surges in the Chinese electrical grid. But I think I'll get used to it. The TV looks ok, so chances are it isn't that terrible.

Fourth, I need to go check my grades from Spring semester. Ugh... wish me luck.

Fifth, this is quite a different situation, but thus far there is enough familiar to make it work. China is a pretty interesting place, but so far I'm relatively comfortable. It seems safe, the people are friendly even when we can't communicate a bit, and I've managed to get fed on a regular basis thus far. And the Chinese students in our classes are very helpful and well spoken. All good things. And it truly is a beautiful city, with lots of little touches that American cities just don't have, like decorative dragons on concrete bridges and really lovely parks with well maintained landscaping. No dog crap on the sidewalks, no one litters, everyone is polite even when they're about to run you over in their car. I could grow to really like it here, despite the hotel pool being completely a big fat lie. There is no pool, there is no hot tub. There is no joy in studentville....but I think we'll manage to cope ok :-)

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